The ISO 27000 Family of Standards

The ISO 27000 Family of standards Fan of the Adam’s family? Allow us to introduce you to the (rather saintly) family of Information Security Standards – The ISO 27000 family of standards. The protagonist being ISO 27001 which covers all the general characteristics of a hero – Saving your world from the Information Security threats […]

Frequently Asked Questions SOC2

Frequently Asked Questions SOC2 ⇒ What is SOC2 (The most Frequently Asked question on SOC2) SOC2, which stands for Service Organization Control 2, is a widely recognized auditing standard developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA It focuses on the controls and processes related to the security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, […]

What is Statement of Applicability (SoA)?

Statement of Applicability What is Statement Of Applicability? The SoA is actually a mandatory requirement of ISO 27001 standard. Through this you demonstrate applicability of all the controls in your organization. Creating SOA needs help of specialists in information security field. The Statement of Applicability (SoA) forms a fundamental part of your information security management […]

National Accreditation Board for Hospitals

National Accreditation Board for Hospitals National Accreditation Board for Hospitals (NABH) – The accreditations that guide you to the right healthcare provider. What is your first consideration when you are diagnosed with an ailment? You, definitely, would want to get the best treatment from the best hospital. And what defines this Best? It should be […]

ISO 7101:2023 || Healthcare Organization Management II Ensure Quality in Healthcare

ISO 7101:2023 || Healthcare Organization Management || Ensure Quality in Healthcare Before covering the ISO 7101:2023 in details, let us first try to have a sneak peek into the broader term – ISO, or the International Organization for Standardization. It is a global body that develops and publishes international standards to ensure the quality, safety, […]

ISO 42001 2023 || Artificial Intelligence Management System

ISO 42001 2023 – The standard that’s anticipated to work towards the step that most haven’t dreaded to take as yet – draw a boundary within which AI systems have to act. The regulation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a topic of significant debate and discussion. Governments, industry stakeholders, and advocacy groups continue to […]


What is VAPT? Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing

The VAPT stands for Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing. It’s a crucial process for identifying and addressing security vulnerabilities in computer systems, networks, or web applications. To understand it better, let us break down the key components: 1. Vulnerability Assessment (VA): Vulnerability Assessment Defined – Vulnerability assessment is the systematic procedure of recognizing, categorizing, and […]

5 Best Data Science Companies in Bangalore

5 Best Data Science Companies in Bangalore As compared to other cities there are the highest number of Data Science Companies in Bangalore. The Demand for freshers is also increased in IT, BFSI, Data Science Companies as well as in Advertising, Marketing, and PR Industries. So, here at Abscerts we have given the Top 5 […]


Unraveling the complexity of the latest framework || CMMI V3.0 CMMI V3.0 has long kept everyone (consultants and LAs alike) on tenterhooks. In this article, we have attempted to interpret it to save you time. If we start by looking back at 2018, CMMI V2.0 marked a significant change, shifting from traditional process improvement to […]

ISO Management System Implementation ISO 22301

The ISO Management System Implementation can streamline business processes, improve business performance, and demonstrate your ability to meet the needs of your customers. In this respect, the ISO standards are frameworks of policies, processes, and procedures used by an organization to ensure that it can fulfill all tasks required to achieve its objectives. These objectives […]